Saturday, July 31, 2010

Get to bed early tonight!

Cuz tomorrow you have to get up bright an early!
Well silly, cuz it's SHARK WEEK!!
So ,hang those chum buckets by the chimney with care, for jolly
Shark dude will soon be there.
To bite and nibble and rip his way into your heart!

(wait..that came out wrong..)
Anyway, yeah! So Sunday night the carnage and fun begins!
Finally ,something to look forward to!

music of the day: devo, retro 80's
food of the day: steak from a cool Italian restaurant whose name
escapes me now
mood of the day: hot and grumpy a tad.

Friday, July 30, 2010


Lunch at New Saigon with some pals. Now everything is right with the world with some noodle bowl in yer tummy!
Seriously it's a great place to grab some Pho!

Which made me feel good enough to do more work for my show in Oct.
here are some Wacky Bats! And yes, their eyes and fangs glow in the dark.
I only have 5 of these so if you seriously want one, let me know now and I will reserve one for you.

Bats are our friends. Theres a nasty while mold going around in caves that is killing them off in huge amounts. SO if you go 'spelunking' or whatever and see a sign saying don't go in. Don't do it.. humans can spread the mold to other caves that might have it! I had no idea.

Even though it's threatening to rain, and not doing's cooled off enuff to let me feel human again.
Hope it sticks...this monster bidness is wearing thin for me ,and I bet my friends...

music of the day: assorted hell-fire rockin goodness on iTunes radio stations namely Devil's Night radio( Serious!)
food of the day: NOODLE BOWL
mood of the day; slightly refreshed, and moderately wary

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Having a WHALE of a good time

Get it? Get it? har har.. it's a whale shark!

Something to look forward to. ( Shark week!)

Strange doings lately. When will it end?

slinging the ink i go.
Again, my brain is not in high gear lately.
Derailments is imminent

Music of the day: yesterdays
food of the day: grilled cheese
mood of the day: cheesy!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Thas all I gots ta say....
We all know what next week is , don't we?


music of the day: internet radio fun
food of the day: pad thai
mood of the day: racing and pacing

Monday, July 26, 2010

Monday is....

So get yer buns over to
and enjoy the fun.

I will be doing MASSIVE inking for a big project these next few days, so excuse
the brevity of this and future posts.
I still love you all..
and yeah...I'm starting to obsess over TIKI again...sigh

If I ever get my ass back to California, I'm heading out to TIKI FARM.

music of the day: fast and peppy
food of the day: "twas' the syrup wot done me in like this!"
mood of the day: wired on maple syrup!!!!!

Friday, July 23, 2010

it's a foodie world

Tonight was PHO PUN with a Priend. ( get it?tee hee ) I actually had some noodle dish that was a lovely combo of meats and veggies. Lovely to NOT have to heat up my pad with a blazing stove on.

And yesterday I ventured into the kitchen and actually made mac an cheese like my mom used to make. I even tossed in ham chunks. ( the only way I'll eat ham, so if you ever have me over for dinner don't serve ham to me.)
Anyway I got lots of fun time in grating, and stirring,and fretting over nothing. It turned out pretty dang good if I say so myself. It flashed me back to my "yute" days.

If you come over for dinner I will make mac an cheese, since I now know I won't poison you with it.
And NO I won't make it with little wieners cut up in it.

I will now be eating mac an cheese all weekend long.

music of the day: Morrissey, The Cure
food of the day: see above
mood of the day: life's curveballs keep you on yer toes!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Where I been anyway?

Sheeesh, I know, I know, slacking off, AGAIN !
But with good reason. Looming deadlines for an OH So Cool book illo. gig. and prepping for a show in Oct, AND the usually every day b.s leaves not so much time for lil' Patty gal to post every day.
But efforts will be made. Just the heat too leaves my brain pan with little
incentive and desire to come up with scintillating topics to entertain and enlighten you.

Here is the Disco Glitter Dog to entertain you for now. Stare into his Disco Biscuit Eyes long enough and you too shall be entranced and mesmerized for hours on end. Soon you shall have the uncontrollable urge to
dance to bad late 70s music in sparkly polyester disco pants.

Feel the beat?
Get on yer feet!
And dance to the muzac of yer past.....
It's the Disco Glitter Dog come to take you away from all this....

music of the day: umm Village People?
Mood of the day: frustrated...very

Monday, July 19, 2010

New Comic Day. ( again)

Go here for that moment of merriment you OH SOOOOOO look forward to
each Monday.
Then go back to your regularly scheduled activities.
The management thanks you.

Today I will attempt to stay cool in this sick heat.
And deal with it all.

music of the day: whatever
food of the day: what not
mood of the day: what!!?? Seriously??

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sunday Music Fun

Hot enuff for ya?
Inside an out......

Didn't get to see them in concert..but

Friday, July 16, 2010

Last night was a long overdue dinner with a good friend. Bistro Vendome, always perfect meal there and great atmosphere. I had the lamb.(mmmmmm). My dining companion had the steak ,several glasses of fine wine, and we split a belated birthday chocolate tart with butterscotch caramel around it ,fresh cream and candied walnuts.
we had snails for the app. ( double yum)
It was nice to:
A. go OUT for dinner
B. go out to a FANCY restaurant for dinner
C. not pay for said fancy dinner
D. get a free birthday dessert from the best waiter in years Dylan
E. Enjoy the company of a nice friend
F. Not have to slave in a hot kitchen ,cooking bad "Patty made this" food.



OH yeah, we had a nice dessert wine too, my favorite!

Leftover steak for breakfast.

enuff food porn..
off to blast the A.C in my bedroom and sleep today off.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

We're havin' a.......

I don't think I posted this song already..but
I'm to fricking hot to think.
If you stand close to the fan, nekkid,after stepping out of the shower,and don't move for jussssssst might make it thru the day...

tried to be witty here, but I think my brain exploded.

music of the day: peppy
food of the day: cold
mood of the day: hot

Monday, July 12, 2010

Michael Fans.......

....see this movie
for the comic geek in us all...
can't wait.

Bye Bye Harvey

Harvey Pekar passed away this afternoon.
One of the many years I was appearing at the Dragon Con comics convention in Atlanta, Harvey appeared as well.
Though our chat was short, he was encouraging ,and
nice enough to me, as much as he COULD be. A true original. His renowned appearances on Letterman in the 80's was always a fun minefield. If you have never seen the movie American Splendor, you owe it to
yourself to scope it out. He was a true inspiration to those of us that do
more " bigraphical/ REAL LIFE" comics stories.. he gave strength to those of us that might be a bit fearful of revealing the "true self" to others on our comic pages. Nothing was too mundane, it all has merit.

He will always be remembered.

He will be missed. My condolences to his family.


Hello my fun fans, today is, YUP:
so get yer buns over to webegirls
and have a laugh.
leave a comment there too if u please.

Now someone go whip me up sumptin' in the kitchen.

music of the day: something to do laundry by
food of the day: bbq pork
mood of the day: porky

Friday, July 9, 2010

musical friday ya'll

one of my all time fave Bowie songs
lead in for a spiffy weekend.

music of the day: kick out the jams
food of the day: jam
mood of the day: "jammy"

Thursday, July 8, 2010

todays lesson kiddies...

your musical edu-ma-cation will consist of the likely paring of BOWIE and NIN
headlining together on a 1995 tour.
One concert I would have liked to see.. Rumor has it there is an official video/recording of it but the record label never released it..due to...what was it called "disinterest"..Are you KIDDING me?
Who knows out there what and the why of it all?
One of my fave clips on this is Hallo Spaceboy and Scary Monsters...

Cooler weather at hand, (yaaaaa!)
Working on a spiffy art job currently so not much bloggin' at hand lately.
My bad.

off for some Acupuncture and chat! Have fun.

music of the day: see above
food of the day: chicky salad ( though some would say tofu)
mood of the day: pissed off at an anonymous rat..( if u have an issue with me why not talk to me, chicken shit...)

"bye-bye love........"

Monday, July 5, 2010

New Comic Day! YAAA!

O.K lil kiddies, it's New Comic Day over at the ol'
So go check it out.
Tip o' da nib to Jane for inspiring, and reminding me
about this scourge that plagues consumeristic society
these days...

Hope everyone had a good 4th. I actually had a good view of
fireworks from a friends house, we grilled, watched
movies, and the rain. And enjoyed the cooler weather!

Enjoy your day off , if that is what you are doing today.
Me, no rest for the weary cartoonist!

music of the day: X
food of the day: something cooked
mood of the day: "meh"

Friday, July 2, 2010


Have a happy 4th ,whatever you do.
Me, having a lack of fireworks this year,shall let someone else do the
blowing up of things.
I remember the first year I got here, on the drive I stopped at a fireworks
store and loaded up on a huge bag of "no-no's " to set off.
That was fun. Safety first, but I for sure have that gene in me to "blow stuff up"

Off to draw! Have fun. Today is moms 79th! Woot!

music of the day: DEVO, X
food of the day: fast an easy, BIRTHDAY CAKE!
mood of the day: semi-perturbed, antsy