Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Drink up....

It's Frickin Christmas for fucks sake.....
So what do you do when you DON"T have a cork screw...improvise I guess...
pal and I got a LOVELY LOVELY dessert wine for afters,

topping it off is the elegant , yet understated Hello Kitty juice glasses subbing for actual wine glasses...
Improvisation is our middle name.
Nice wine..I'm not much into it, but this was quite nice, sweet, mellow and understated with a nice burst of raisin flavour...

fun night, fun time, i'm fuzzy today..but it's all good.

music of the day:IGGY POP/ The Passenger: Am F C G, Am F C E Repeat continuously
food of the day: Indian
mood of the day: slightly less aggitated but still wired to the hilt...did those meds do something to me ? (15 pds lost)

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