Monday, November 23, 2009

MONDAY funday,again. Well, not really. It's "I finally
recovered from my weekend" day.

Here's a development skeech of Sumiko I did last year.
With the body parts you wouldn't see in a daily
newspaper..yes that's right,
you guessed it, her lower legs
would never show up in the daily paper. The panels are too
small. In fact I'd say 90% of comic strips these days don't show
lower halves of characters bodies. There just isn't room for nonsense such as knees, calves, footwear.
Thank Buddha too, cuz I HATE drawing shoes.
OH yeah....and maybeeeeee, just
maybe her nips too....yeah....hmmmm.Maybe dem' as well.
aaaaaa yeahhhh.....

coff coff.

music of the day: mixed bag
food of the day: foraging
mood of the day: now what?

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