Thursday, October 13, 2011

The spookiness!

Halloween. I love it. Not dressing up mind you
( though I will probably give it a shot tomorrow night at a clubs annual party, vampires and werewolves theme of course, so fangs will be in place, Thats about the extent of me dressing up.)

Here's a little teeny painting I did as well. It's yours for some buckage (2"x3" $20.00) ©2011 Leidy

AAHHHHHH! I forgot to get my Pumpkin!

Music of the day: Sigur Ros, The Pains of being Pure at Heart, Anoushka Shankar.Dean & Britta
food of the day: some meat product sammich
mood of the day: I get to see my sweetie in a few hours, what kind of mood do you think I'm in? aaheeeen

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